In today's mobile, multi-device and multi-channel world, digital intelligence is the ability to transform digital data into real-time, actionable, customer-centric insights. Digital intelligence solutions are designed to help law enforcement users deepen and enhance their digital intelligence. Agencies without a digital strategy need to rethink their investigative process. Technology is an integral part of our daily lives. However, criminals also exploit it to communicate, organize and commit crimes. Reliance on technology leaves behind “digital footprints” and a mountain of data that can contain incriminating evidence. We are authorized resellers providing the tools, training, and support to implement an end- to-end Digital Intelligence strategy. End users, can now access, manage and analyze forensically sound digital evidence, and effectively break down the silos across departments to close more cases successfully.
Computer Forensics
The term Computer Forensics is used to describe the art of collecting, preserving and analyzing digital evidence. Such electronic evidence may reside on a computer’s hard drive or be found on removable media such as a floppy disk, CD-ROM, backup tape or memory stick. During an investigation or civil litigation, electronic media cannot be overlooked. A sentence from a file deleted years ago, a reference to a recently visited web page, or an entry in an access log file may prove to be pivotal in your investigation. Yet digital evidence is extremely volatile. Merely booting up a computer can cause irrevocable changes to information resident on a hard drive and may threaten its use in court due to spoliation. If the proper handling of evidence could be crucial to your case, then the appropriate tools and procedures must be utilized when collecting and analyzing data resident on computers and their associated media.
Our Offering;
• Experts in computer forensics and hi-tech investigations
• Tested methodology and meticulous documentation
• Collecting data that preserves its original state
• Maintaining a chain of custody for all evidence collected
• Analyzing data from deleted and recovered files
• Analyzing data from file fragments still resident on media
• Integrating network data into the investigation
• Bypassing and cracking passwords
• Development of proprietary tools to aid in analysis
Mobile Forensics
If your case relies on knowing where a person was or what activity they were doing at a specific time acquiring their cellphone or mobile devices may provide that crucial information for your matter. Cellphones are not only mini computers and communication devices, they also serve as personal tracking devices that record your activities throughout the day. Much of this is done without the owner’s knowledge of all the different data points that are being collected from them and stored on their devices.
From the moment the cellphone is turned on your location gets tracked by the cellphone towers, GPS and any nearby wireless routers. This continues throughout the day as your location is continuously logged into databases on your phone and when recompiled can show a detailed account of where the device was and when it was there. Combine this with all of the application data that is being collected as to when an app was started, how long it was on and activities the user performed. Finally, throw in user generated messaging from email, text messages, photos and programs, the device provides a wealth of data that can be compiled by our experts to generate insightto better support your case.
• Insurance Fraud and Claims
• Traditional E-Discovery Data
• Cyber Stalking
Security & Risk Management
Nearly half of corporations reported a cyber attack within the last year. That’s up from only a
third two years earlier and there is no indication that this trend won’t continue. In fact,
organizations are constantly being scanned and probed for vulnerabilities and weaknesses a
hacker might be able to exploit. Having an organization that has a deep understanding of
information technology security as well as one that has been involved in investigating
incidents when they occur will better provide you with identifying where your greatest areas
of risk lie and what controls can be put in place to address those risks.
User Awareness Training
According to estimates, over 80% of organizations compromised by outside hackers
were due to end users bad behaviors. Whether they open a malicious attachment or
click on an Internet link that starts downloading a virus it is often the end users
activities that first opens up your network to a compromise. By showing your
employees how hackers do it, and some of the most common schemes in use
currently your team will be better able to identify potentially malicious activity.
Policy Reviews
According to estimates, over 80% of organizations compromised by outside hackers
were due to end users bad behaviors. Whether they open a malicious attachment or
click on an Internet link that starts downloading a virus it is often the end users
activities that first opens up your network to a compromise. By showing your
employees how hackers do it, and some of the most common schemes in use
currently your team will be better able to identify potentially malicious activity.
Risk Assessments
No organization has unlimited funds to spend on security. By performing a risk
assessment your firm will be better able to identify your strengths and weaknesses
and where your greatest exposures lie. This will allow your organization to prioritize
spending to best mitigate risk in the appropriate ares.
Data Assessments
Knowing where your corporate data and sensitive customer information resides is
critical in determining were to allocate resources in securing them. Data classification
and mapping aids in documenting where data resides, who is responsible for the
data and what parties should be able to access it. Performing periodic data audits will
help in determining if data such as PII or corporate data resides on computers it
Threat Hunting
Taking a proactive approach of looking for evidence of hackers in your systems
currently or in the past can provide a better picture of where an organization security
posture stands. Whether it is specific business units that may need a deeper insight
or another organization about to be acquiredlooking for threats within instead of
waiting for the sirens to go off later can save enormous amounts of time, reputation
and money.
Vulnerability Assessments
An organization is as weak as its weakest vulnerability. You could have all the most
modern firewalls, SIEMS and security products up to date but if Mokaya, from the
Department of Redundancy is running an FTP Server on a Windows ME computer in
your network without your knowledge, this could be a flashing neon welcome sign for
hackers. Assessments to scan networks for hardware, software and configurations
regularly should help in addressing the Freds in your firm.
Electronic Discovery
We offer a complete range of services for finding and analyzing electronic documents, databases, and computers within a litigation or investigative context. Combining technology expertise with diverse dispute experience, we apply a project and risk management focus to our Electronic Discovery process. Combined with our full team of forensic and consulting services, Forensic Security Solutions can save significant amounts of money and time in handling your evidentiary ESI (electronically stored information).
Extreme Discovery Service
When it comes to Electronic Discovery services, CSL excels at providing services outside of the norm. Services that your normal off the shelf software can’t accomplish. Services that require that out of the box thinking that occurs when you bring together data scientists, information analysts, e-discovery experts and computer programmers together.
Unsupported File Formats
• Processing file types that are not supported by standard software such as seldom used email formats or file types. To date we have identified over 30 different email formats we have processed.
Automated Document Categorization
• We categorize documents into buckets such as responsive, unresponsive, privileged, technical and others. This allows for documents to be reviewed by more appropriate skilled individuals.
Secure Processing & Review
• Systems can be hacked or your clients data may be compromised if accessed through the Internet. We can both process and review your electronic documents in a closed network or for those who need the ultimate in security even on computers that have no connectivity to other computers.
Unique Processing of Data
• Changing the workflow or methods for processing data to optimize the project to the needs of the matter rather than designing your process based upon your software’s capability.
Customized Software Programs
• When there absolutely is no other way to get the job done we can build customized programs specifically designed for your needs.
Data Analytics
Our multi-discipline data analytics process follows closely a system implementation and develop process combining methodologies for data warehousing, custom application development, information analysis and litigation support. It is not just about being database experts. Combing these disciplines is essential to once again winning the war of the experts and understanding how to present your results through:
• Always maintaining a copy of the original data
• Tagging all data with its original source
• Creating audit trails of all transformations
• Performing extensive data quality and cleansing
• Exception handling and reporting
Complex data analytics is centered around the analysis of transactions. One transaction might be the purchase of an item, a phone call, an Internet download, a payment or a sale. What makes this type of analysis complex is that the analysis is performed across millions, hundreds of millions and even tens of billions of individual transactions. The data may be analyzed across time, by business entity, types, amounts, accounts, locations, products, users or any other information that is related to the transaction.
Using powerful databases and systems configured for massive analysis, data from multiple sources is aggregated to a centralized location. Once there the data is transformed to a structure that will facilitate the analysis. Data within transactional systems such as your core business applications is structured in a manner that facilitates the completion of a transaction. The optimal structure for the completion of a transaction is not the same if the needs are to analyze the data. Such a system where data from multiple sources is integrated to a centralized location and the data is transformed to fit an optimal analysis structure is often referred to as a data warehouse.
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